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After some months of file preparation and modification, a file was submitted to Shapeways, obtaining some 150 3D printed tiles, a mixture of hexagons and rectangles, and assembling them into a sheet of Hexaflex, and additionally, incorporating NODLET technology, discovering an entirely new form of curving lattice, not unlike a mechanical skin. This 

could be assembled into such objects as spheres, domes, Buckeyballs, nanotubes, torus/donuts, terraced planes, rhombic dodecahedrons and parabolic dish structures, to name but a few.


This unorthodox building kit could be an educational toy incorporating multiple layers of learning. These layers, which promote both critical thinking and discovery, include:


1. Exploring the world of polyhedra.

2. Discovering the intricacies of Nanotechnology.

3. Creating robotic structures.

4. Integral construction possibilities with Lego

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